Lessons learned… and abandoned: What’s working for education today?

A K1212LEADERS Webinar October 5th, 2021- 7:30 PM (eastern)

Education has changed during this time of pandemic learning. As a result, there are new challenges daily in education regarding effectively educating students and leading schools/districts.

Join 5 K12Leaders from the classroom, school, and district level as we reflect on the opening of school and share what worked and our next steps to create dynamic learning environments. In addition, our team will share practical strategies that have worked and will continue this year to build critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity into their educational system.

Your Panel of K12 Leaders and Educators

Image of Dr. Neil Gupta

Dr. Neil Gupta

Dr. Neil Gupta serves as the Director of Secondary Education for Worthington Schools in Columbus, Ohio.  With over 15 years of experience as a district administrator in rural and suburban settings, he has a passion for leadership, building culture, and coaching leaders. Neil presents at the state and national level, and consults building and district leaders and teams in developing and monitoring improvement plans.  Dr. Gupta also serves as President on the Board of Directors for ASCD and is an Associate with Creative Leadership Solutions.

Kristen Nan

Classroom Educator, Author of All In: Taking a Gamble On Education and event Speaker

Image of Kristen Nan
List item
Image of Christine Ravesi-Weinstein

Christine Ravesi-Weinstein

Christine Ravesi-Weinstein currently serves as a high school Assistant Principal in Massachusetts and previously worked as a high school science department chair for four years and classroom teacher for 15. 

Dr. Adam Phyall

Director of Technology & Media Services, Named one the Top 30 K-12 EdTech Influencers. Keynote Speaker, and educational influencer

Image of Dr. Adam Phyall
Image of Dr. Keri Orange-Jones

Dr. Keri Orange-Jones

Dr. Keri Orange-Jones is a fifth-grade social studies and science teacher in New Jersey. She has been an educator for 24 years, entering the profession as an Alternate Route Teacher.  

Moderated by:

Dr. Matthew X. Joseph

Dr. Joseph is the author of Power of Connections and Power of Us, and has  been a school and district leader in many capacities in public education over his 27 years in the field.

Image of Dr. Matthew X. Joseph
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