3 Great Summer Reading Projects from K12Leaders!

summer reading k12leaders

We know by now that for K12 leaders the “end of school” really just means a chance to work on the projects that have been needing attention for the last 6 months. Networking, curriculum, enrollments, and maintenance all need to get done in an all-too-short window over the summer. But often part of that is personal maintenance as well, and we have some great opportunities on K12Leaders to consider your own development over the next several weeks!

Discover The Secret to Transformational Leadership!

Quintin Shepherd and Sarah Williamson have launched a learning community to explore a whole new language of leadership on K12Leaders based on their book The Secret to Transformational Leadership . This is a unique combination of a book group and online course focused on finding, nurturing, and implementing an authentic leadership style that helps leaders build connection with whatever community they serve. Within this nine-part, self-paced book study, you will:

  • Explore each chapter through videos, supplemental readings, a review of main points, reflection activities, and more. 
  • Gain practical strategies for adopting a new language of leadership. 
  • Hear from Quintin and other education leaders who believe that if the way we approach leadership can help others think differently, ultimately we can create a ripple effect of empathy, compassion, kindness, and a sense of purpose for our life’s work. 

Quintin will also offer live online discussion opportunities to go even deeper into this unique model. Sign up today so you don’t miss the next one!

Lead from Where You Are: Future Ready’s Summer Reading Group is live on K12Leaders!

Join Shannon McClintock Miller and author Joe Sanfelippo for the third annual Future Ready Summer Book Club to read Lead from Where You Are: Building Intention, Connection and Direction in Our Schools . where we will embark on an inspiring journey that will undoubtedly reinvigorate your passion and empower you to make a meaningful impact in your professional life.

Throughout the summer, we will gather virtually for weekly discussions, providing an opportunity for deep exploration and thoughtful reflection. Our aim is to foster a vibrant community where collaboration and shared learning flourish.

“Lead from Where You Are” explores the profound concept of finding joy and value in our daily work. 

Join Shannon McClintock Miller and author Joe Sanfelippo for the third annual Future Ready Summer Book Club to read Lead from Where You Are: Building Intention, Connection and Direction in Our Schools . where we will embark on an inspiring journey that will undoubtedly reinvigorate your passion and empower you to make a meaningful impact in your professional life.

Throughout the summer, we will gather virtually for weekly discussions, providing an opportunity for deep exploration and thoughtful reflection. Our aim is to foster a vibrant community where collaboration and shared learning flourish.

“Lead from Where You Are” explores the profound concept of finding joy and value in our daily work.

Take the summer to Define your WHY!

Author Barbara Bray is a digital pioneer, founder of My eCoach, and host of the Rethinking Learning Podcast. Throughout Define Your WHY she guides you through a motivational and personal journey filled with thoughtful exercises and resources to help get the most out of each chapter, and to help you finish with a stronger sense of purpose and identity. This is a great read before heading back to school next year!

cover define your why

Do you ever feel like you’re going through the motions to get through the day? Do you continue to do what you do because you have always done it that way? You may not even have considered that you can change what you’re doing AND have more joyful experiences.

Define Your WHY  shares stories and involves you in activities to get to know YOU better so you have a more meaningful life where you can live and learn on purpose. This book is for anyone who wants to discover or re-discover their WHY so they can grow their purpose. 

Recommended2 recommendationsPublished in Leadership Voices, Newsletter

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