What is EduMatch®?

auditorium presentation of a presenter, an audience and a big screen for a presentation.

Hello, friends!  Some of you have been part of the EduMatch® community for a while, and some are just hearing about us for the first time.  Contrary to popular belief, we are not a dating site for educators.  However, we do make lifelong connections in the following ways:

Professional Learning: Through book studies, webinars, conference support, keynotes, coaching, and more, we can work with your school, district, or organization to provide professional learning opportunities that will both inform and inspire! Topics include leadership, SEL, edtech, equity, and more! (Email [email protected] for more information.)

Publishing: We have nearly 100 professional learning and children’s books, as well as documentaries and curriculum, available through EduMatch Publishing!  Find out more.

Non-profit: Our non-profit arm provides grants and support to the grassroots projects of educators in the US.

EduMatch Community: We are a worldwide community of educators who learn and grow together. We support one another in our professional learning journeys, and believe in the power of sharing stories. For that reason, we connect on various social media platforms and build deep relationships that transcend geography, job titles, and all demographic categories. We also believe in empowering the expert within, and seek to amplify voices of students and educators, as well as grassroots educational efforts.

Find out more about EduMatch at EduMatch.org.

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