Best Practices in K12 Device Deployment Community of Practice Registration – Free Certificate Pathway

Our learners are changing in conjunction with their ever-changing environment. Hence, the role of the educator must be as fluid to meet the needs of their learners. 

The shift in education we’ve seen over the last years to incorporate devices of some sort in almost every classroom has created both opportunities as well as challenges. Equitable and easy access to digital devices, internet, and trained educators is more important than ever. Systems of support are essential for all learning environments to ensure the optimal conditions for each learner. Join us in this community of practice to share best practices with each other!

This community also includes a free certificate-bearing Professional Pathway that includes tons of free resources for taking your device management strategy to the next level!

And ne thing we know for certain –  we  can  emPower all learners together !

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Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Certificate Pathways, Education Technology, K12 Pathways, Leadership Voices, Solution Providers

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