Don’t just Survive…Thrive as a Superintendent by joining MASTERCLASS for Aspiring Superintendents

6 individuals put their hands in the middle of their circle. Only hands and forearms are visible.

MASTERCLASS for Superintendents is a mission-driven LLC dedicated to helping K-12 education leaders more effectively lead school districts. We ensure that aspiring and experienced superintendents thrive and not just survive.

As we look out at the landscape of the present state of the Superintendency in Massachusetts, we see a significant yearly turnover of Superintendents.* Retirements, resignations, and terminations undermine this key leadership role in many districts. This is not just a cliche –

“Districts that frequently change Superintendents continue to try to build for the future in fits and starts. One step forward and two steps back.”

At MASTERCLASS for Superintendents, we strongly believe that there are two areas in need of much more attention – the pool of aspiring Superintendent candidates, and experienced Superintendents who have completed at least 3 years in the position. We prepare aspiring superintendents and better enable experienced superintendents to lead by combining a world-class leadership learning journey with proven real-world experience, delivered in an accessible, high-impact format.

Developing a larger, more diverse, and better-prepared pool of aspiring superintendents (principals, directors, assistant superintendents, etc.) is critical to sustaining lasting leaders up to today’s superintendency’s complex tasks. Increasingly, new superintendents struggle to make it to their next contract – tripped up by the constant day-to-day decision-making and negotiating required by multiple stakeholders with competing interests in our increasingly politicized environment. While many superintendent preparation programs focus on setting a vision and building a successful entry plan, these alone are not sufficient skills to set superintendents up for success. As we emerge from the challenges of the pandemic, building trusting relationships and strengthening teams must also be superintendents’ key areas of focus. Even the most talented and experienced leaders cannot lead alone. Collaborative leadership, inclusive of School Committee members, can ensure that districts are poised for the kind of lasting leadership that results in improved opportunities and outcomes for all students.

Through a cohort model, MASTERCLASS provides high-impact modules focused on the most important actions to take when leading complex public school districts. 

In our Aspiring Cohorts, we support participants as they explore the challenges and opportunities inherent in the superintendency and discern whether it is the path they feel called to pursue. The Aspiring Superintendents Cohort supports participants so they are ready to step into the role and be effective on day one.

The Experienced Cohorts focus on Superintendents who have finished three years or more in the role. Recognizing that the role can be isolating and can test even the most talented leader. As an experienced superintendent working closely with – as well as supervising – a district leadership team, it can be difficult to solicit the kind of honest feedback needed to continue to grow and improve. In addition, the superintendent’s relationship with the school committee and the chair, especially given the context of open meeting laws, can be challenging. As the job of Superintendent continues to grow in complexity, it is increasingly vital for experienced superintendents to have a cohort of trusted peers with whom they can have safe, supportive, and energizing discussions to inspire them to continue to lead and to help them face and effectively overcome challenges as they arise.

In MASTERCLASS we believe a cohort model based on discussing and sharing strategies, solutions, and skills, helps every member of the cohort to grow and thrive.

In both MASTERCLASS cohorts, we take a personalized approach grounded in real-world experiences. Integrated throughout is individual executive coaching from experienced professionals. Our MASTERCLASS coaching team has over 60 collective years of experience as superintendents and educational leaders and innovators in large, mid-sized, and small Massachusetts districts.

Cohort members participate in monthly meetings focused on topics they have identified themselves. In addition, participants engage in peer consultation during which they identify areas for growth and work with expert MASTERCLASS coaches to develop solutions.

Our cohort model provides a supportive environment that helps superintendents survive AND thrive. Too often support for superintendents focuses more on problems than on strategies or viable solutions – leaving superintendents feeling more burdened and less energized. In MASTERCLASS, the support and solutions-based approach of each cohort of peers helps strengthen participants, builds leadership skills, and empowers participants to lead their districts forward.

MASTERCLASS faculty are experienced Superintendents and successful instructors/coaches who ensure that each individual grows and improves as a leader.

Learning to thrive in challenging times does not just happen! We have proven we can help. Become a member of MASTERCLASS for Superintendents. We are currently enrolling members in Cohorts for Aspiring Superintendents. 

To learn more about MASTERCLASS programming, and become a member, please visit MASTERCLASSFORSUPERS.COM

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