Not So Simple…

A shepherd with a herd of sheep beside a hillside.

I’m a big fan of Tim Ferriss, author, blogger, content creator.  I look forward to his “5-Bullet Friday” newsletter each Friday and find myself connected to many of the ideas he presents. I especially (really, really) like his documentary recommendations. 

As a fellow stroke survivor, I was taken with Wilf Davies, who was born and lives in Cellan, Wales. The film Heart Valley: Life Lessons from a Shepherd (, YouTube), is a short (20 min) film by Christian Cargill, which won Best Documentary Short at the Tribeca Film Festival.

In his newsletter, Tim shared his takeaway theme, which prompted me to watch and think of my own. I’ve watched it 4 times, now. Wilf is a powerful reminder that a happy life can be simple, yet we choose to make it more complicated. Over and over and over again…

I’d love to know others’ thoughts. What defines a simple life? How do we recognize when we are choosing to make life more complicated than it has to be?

Though I often write with a nod to education, I’m going to leave this one as-is. During school break, it doesn’t always have to be about teaching and learning… right?

Yet, for me, it simply seems to be… 😉

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  1. Thank you for sharing. I love how he finds awe in his present moment and environment.
    Recently I have immersed myself in the YouTube documentary series from Martijn Doolaard who is beautifully documenting his process of renovating remote cabins in the Italian Alps. It is similar to the film here in sharing appreciation for being present in the moment while doing meaningful yet challenging work. I draw many parallels to the work we do as educators and leaders.

    1. Thank you, Greg, for the recommendation. I think drawing parallels from other areas of life help me keep a more meaningful perspective of what I do everyday, especially on those tougher days. I’ll be checking it out!
