Announcing the K12Leaders Ambassador Program!

One of the main reasons for building a platform like K12Leaders is to continue the conversation between fellow educators. We also realize that diversity of thought can spur creativity and innovation. We learn from those both in and out of our circles.

Here at K12Leaders, we’ve always been a believer in building a bigger table to include a wide variety of voices in education. We realize that our platform as it currently stands has over 1500 members who believe in education and want to support it in a variety of ways. In order to help broaden the impact of those voices within our platform, we have decided to launch the K12Leaders Ambassador Program and because we want to make it fun, we’ve decided to make it a bit of a competition.

Here’s how it works:

On Monday, May 15 you will be able to send out an invite from your K12Leaders account. Now you’ve always been able to do that with the little “invite” button at the top of the screen in the browser window. However, on Monday something different will happen.

You see, we’ve also been toying around at building a bit of a gamified approach to K12Leaders and how we interact. Every other social platform uses some algorithms to gather your data to sell to other companies. We don’t think that’s right. You should be rewarded for your interactions and we’re going to start testing this out with our K12Leaders Ambassador referrals.

From May 15 to June 12, every time you use the invite button to send an invitation to a colleague in the education space, you’ll be awarded a K12 Ambassador point. Every time someone you refer signs up, you’ll get 3 more points! Once you hit 100 K12 Ambassador points, you’ll unlock an Ambassador badge for your account.

So besides the awesomeness and glory of having a cool new shiny badge, what else do K12 Ambassadors get? I’m glad you asked.

How about a K12Leaders T-shirt!? That’s right, we’ll be rewarding each of our K12 Ambassadors with a custom-designed, comfort-forward, K12 Leaders T-shirt. These t-shirts make great talking pieces at your next educational conference or neighborhood book club.

Along with the T-shirt (which is amazing, did I mention that?), you’ll also be enrolled in our K12 Ambassador private group. Now we can’t tell all of the things we have planned for members of this group, but just like the incredible and awesome T-shirt, it will be spectacular.

With all of these amazing incentives we imagine many of you are ready to jump in right away and even exceed the 100 point mark to become an Ambassador. That’s why for a bonus, we are also throwing in something a little extra for the member that tops the charts at the end of June 12. We’re not revealing that prize yet (and no it’s not another t-shirt) but I can promise you it’ll be something special.

We thank each and every one of our members for being a part of the start of this community and look forward to a fresh set of voices joining our platform in the coming weeks!

– Carl Hooker CEO (Chief Entertainment Officer)

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  1. Hi @carl , I have a question about invites. I’m making a “PD BINGO Board” for summer learning for our staff. I wanted to share the K12 leaders group. I sent an email to myself to get the invite link. Can that same link be used for multiple people or does it only work by adding individual email addresses at a time? I was hoping to add the link to the board and those who were interested could join. Thank you!
